Monday, 2 December 2013

The Past Days


Yeah, so, it's December. the last and final month of 2013, I mean, like, what? I still remember the first day I entered my school, and you're saying it's already December, wow! So, it's been like ages since I posted a real entry like, you know, an entry that really meant something, well, at least it's been less than a month. That's not much so, lots happened since then. I mean, there was 1D Day and Midnight Memories and Catching Fire and I just met up with my primary school friends whom are like sisters to me. 

So, I think I'll start writing about the outing with my friends. It was nothing really, just going out to Gurney Plaza and everything. Hannah had to go to an appointment for her facial treatment and everything so that means to hours of doing nothing for Afiqah and me. So we decide to walk around and got lost and panicked until we realized we've been walking in front of the place we promised to meet each other since forever. After Hannah was done with everything we went around going to shops and to the cinema. And just then, just walking with them was where I realized, all of us, we've changed a lot but that wasn't the problem really despite the awkward quietness and having nothing to say even though there was actually loads of things running through our minds. Sarah wasn't there though, she's gone outstation until next february and I guess that's why we weren't much ourselves. We weren't complete. You know, my friends are my everything next to my family and these three have been there for me since the start of my first year, six years ago, I just wished our friendship wasn't fading, NO, it's not fading and it never will. I can't even bare the thought of it. Well, enough of all this drama, let's go on to, 1D DAAAAAAAYYYYY!

Wait just a minute, okay, enough said.

Basically, that was my favourite part so yeah.

I think it'll stop till here  and maybe, just maybe I'll write about Catching Fire another day so just enjoy this vid of overloaded adorableness awwwww.

xx Hasya.      

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